Essie “In Stitches”

Color by Essie "In Stitches"

Color by Essie “In Stitches”

This doesn’t happen often these days, but man is it nice to have some color on my toes! It makes me feel so girly and kempt. This I did myself which I prefer since it’s more economical. Speaking of which, it probably wasn’t necessary to buy one of the most expensive brands of nail polishes on the shelf considering the other less expensive options, and the collection I have at home, but I have never owned a bottle of Essie. So this is a treat!

On a side note, this makes me think of a cute story about a doctor I used to work for who has four daughters. One of the neighbor girls was getting ready for a school dance that night and she realized she didn’t have the right color. She raced to the doctor’s house to ask if she could borrow a certain color she knew one of his daughter’s had. When she asked if she was home, he said all the girls were out and asked if there was anything he could do. She told him about the nail polish she needed and he happened to know exactly what she was talking about so he ran upstairs and got her what she asked for. He said that’s what happens when you have daughters.

Maybe one day God will bless us with one 🙂 

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